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Our regulation company in Italy has long been devoted For several years to supplying authorized guidance to Individuals who have issues in Italy with regards to extradition and European arrest warrant.

The consistent will and ambition of the identical to achieve a 360 ° authorized preparation, with good foundations also in civil, administrative and Global law, led him, from the yr 2012 to also accomplish, following the attendance of a two-year training course , the specialization diploma in legal subjects at The varsity of Specialization for that lawful professions of the University of Naples Federico II.

Ciro Mercolino → Avvocato civilista - Sono l'Avvocato Ciro Mercolino, specializzato in diritto civile. Opero principalmente su tutto il territorio campano, la cui clientela è forbita sia di persone fisiche che di persone giuridiche quali imprese/società/associazioni no profit. Ho acquisito il titolo di avvocato nel 2021, avendo for eachò già in precedenza frequentato giornalmente sia tribunali che Corti di Appello in qualità di praticante abilitato alla professione, in collaborazione con diversi studi legali con cui tutt'ora mi interfaccio.

in the event of issues in Italy, Certainly the very best attorney to whom a person can decide on. In combination with possessing... terrifying understanding in legislation, he also is familiar with English perfectly so as to aid a purchaser who feels lost as a result of a authorized challenge in Italyread more

Una volta nominato, quindi, have a peek here il difensore believe l’incarico di rappresentare ed assistere l’interessato nella tutela dei propri diritti e interessi. Nel procedimento penale la nomina è un atto a forma sostanzialmente libera: essa potrà essere scritta ma anche orale. 

Già Curatore Fallimentare assiste le imprese sia nella loro gestione ordinaria che nella fase di crisi.

My information is to look for an attorney in Italy that has now managed a similar scenario to yours to be able to get a specialist guidance.

Through his Qualified job he has formulated reliable and established bases in the following topics: structured crime, drug and drug trafficking, white collar crime, crimes versus the general public Administration, illegal immigration crimes, crimes against assets and from the person , taking part personally in related countrywide media coverage processes.

He has realized particular educational awards within the topics of substantive and procedural prison law the place his professional expertise stick out.

occuparsi delle indagini investigative, attraverso colloqui, dichiarazioni, accertamenti tecnici, richiesta di documentazione di diverso tipo, al wonderful di individuare elementi probatori a sostegno della parte da difendere;

We have been obtaining several stories from people that report that they have Check This Out already been defrauded by the corporation ‘Clsaeu’ (): in … Read far more

Give us with all the documentation you might have in the possession around the authorized subject that fears you;

He was a member with the Fee to the qualifying assessment with the career of attorney within Check This Out the Courtroom of Attraction of Naples.

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